For each competency below, we have listed some helpful resources and readings.
Competency 1
All staff design or adapt learning environments to enable students of all backgrounds, identities and abilities to fully participate in learning. Staff are aware that adaptations or plans need to be continually evaluated and reviewed to ensure all students can access and participate in all learning activities and events.
Competency 2
The learning environment is set up with defined areas for individual work, group work and areas reserved for quiet or low stimulation time. Students are aware of how they may access these quiet areas if needed.
Competency 3
Staff proactively use visual supports that are appropriate and based on the individual student’s preferences and abilities. Staff are aware of the full range of visual supports and ensure that these are available for all students across the school environment.
Competency 4
Staff are aware that students with autism may have sensory processing differences. Environmental audits of learning and social environments are regularly undertaken and reviewed to identify sensory elements. The results are combined with knowledge about the profile of students in the class to identify factors or elements that need to be managed or overcome.
Competency 5
Staff reduce distractions, such as background noise and visual information, as much as possible. Seating arrangements are made with consideration to each student’s individual profile, taking into account factors such as windows, doors or areas with noises or smells. Staff are aware of the possibility of sensory differences being strengths for an individual.
Competency 6
Staff are aware that students with autism may require support for change and uncertainty. Student timetables are kept predictable with students being informed of any changes in advance as much as possible. Lessons have a clear and predictable structure and tasks have clear instructions.