
Getting started

Using the FBA Tool

This tool is designed to help you understand, effectively respond to and prevent frequent minor behaviours.  Focus on one behaviour during one activity when completing this tool.  Make a clear definition or description of the behaviour before you start so you remain focussed as you work through the tool.

The tool will take 10 - 15 minutes to complete. On each page, you will be asked a question and given a range of answers to choose from.  Below the answers you will see information explaining the range of options available.  Below the diagram you will see information explaining why this element is important to consider.  If, after reading all the information, you are not still not sure you can either select the option that is the best match or stop and seek assistance from specialist staff. 

Once you have made your selection, click the "next" button underneath the question. If for any reason you want to go back one stage click the white "back" button at the bottom of the page. Do not use the back button on your browser.

As you progress through the tool answering questions you will see your responses reflected in the diagram on the right hand side of the page. This diagram is a map to help illustrate the relationships between causes and consequences associated with problem behaviour. Once the diagram is completed you can then nominate the function (or reason) you think the behaviour is occurring. The tool will then combine your answers to generate a range of strategies to consider as proactive and reaction actions to address the problem behaviour. You'll be able to save the final output as a PDF to refer back to later or print out for further discussion with others.

Remember, focus on one behaviour during one activity when using this tool.

Last updated 28 October 2020