What is it?
Check In Check Out (CICO) is a school wide positive behaviour support strategy that can be implemented across a school for groups of students who require a more significant level of behavioural support. CICO has the potential to increase adult attention throughout the day and provides positive reinforcement around specific behaviour expectations. Increased home school communication is a further benefit of CICO.
In brief, students check in with a designated staff member in the morning before the start of lessons. They carry a point-based card to lessons and teachers provide specific feedback about behaviour throughout the day. In the afternoon, the student and their teacher review the goals and progress and the card is taken home for a parent signature and for positive reinforcement. The designated staff member is responsible for the collation of relevant data and review of the strategy with regular communication with all parties.
The CICO strategy has been researched as part of school wide positive behaviour support systems and there is evidence to support its use with school communities. Research suggests that CICO can be helpful in reducing behaviours of concern and that it can be implemented with fidelity by school staff.
How do I use it?
Check In Check Out requires a whole school approach and will be best implemented with the support of the school-based behaviour support team. More details can be found in the linked documents.
Age group
The level of understanding required by the student makes this better suited to older age groups.
Preschool | May not be appropriate |
P-2 | Will require monitoring for understanding and effectiveness |
3-6 | Yes |
High school | Yes |
Where can I learn more?